How does a Boat Club Work?
You may not feel completely ready to choose a boat even after shopping around, you might need to wait to pull the trigger because of economic factors, or maybe you just think easing your way into the boating lifestyle is a smart move—whatever the reason, Golden Boat Club offers an excellent alternative to buying a new boat. In fact, boat clubs have experienced soaring popularity since they first began showing up a few decades ago.
Boat club costs are significantly less than purchasing a boat outright and joining our boat club membership comes with additional perks like, on-the-water training, insurance coverage, social events and just the ease and convenience of having the boat cleaned, maintained, stored, serviced, winterized and refueled. We aim to make boating in lake country accessible to all- especially people who do not have a lake house and yet would to enjoys days in the sun celebrating life, family and friendships.
What are the benefits of joining the Boat Club?
The simple answer is that you would save both money and time! Buying a boat is not a once of transaction, but you would be dealing with trailers, storage, winterization, oil changes and services, insurance, depreciation, cleaning, waxing, repairs, forgotten keys, mooring fees and launch fees, parking at a marina, having a suitable car that can tow your boat, etc., etc. the list is endless.
However, once you have joined our club, you will be able to tap-dance onto your boat, pre cleaned, fueled, serviced, maintained, stocked with safety equipment and ready to go; giving you more time to enjoy the lake with family and friends on the water rather then scrubbing the deck yourself or spending time at repair shops or gas stations- and best of all you’d be actually saving money.